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Whether it is working with a first time homebuyer, a luxury home listing or a seasoned investor, Michael prides himself on his unparalleled service with an aptitude for problem solving – something essential for navigating clients through the challenges of today’s real estate market. My focus is always on serving my clients with honesty, integrity and discretion as a dependable and knowledgeable broker committed to exceptional results.

I am a licensed real estate broker, an active member in local and national real estate industry organizations, a lover of architecture and an active member to such philanthropic causes.

צור איתי קשר

לתזמן הופעה?

הרשימה שלי

את כל (2)

Lovelace Road Greenfield

from 2,000 ILS
חדרי שינה1
פתוח עד1
1 חדרי שינה
1 פתוח עד
This property is mostly wooded and sits high on a hilltop overlooking the Mohawk River Valley. Located right in the hear [יותר]
This property is mostly wooded and sits high on a hilltop overlooking the Mohawk River Valley. Locat [יותר]
from 2,000 ILS

Park Avenue Apartment

500 ILS / month
חדרי שינה3
פתוח עד2.5
3 חדרי שינה
2.5 פתוח עד
Mckinley Hill is situated inside Fort Bonifacio which is a 50 hectares owned by Megaworld. Mckinley Hill is Said to be t [יותר]
Mckinley Hill is situated inside Fort Bonifacio which is a 50 hectares owned by Megaworld. Mckinley [יותר]
500 ILS / month

ביקורות הסוכן

אתה צריךהתחברות על מנת לכתוב ביקורת

השווה רישומים

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